Important note:
The new version is currently only available in the Jar-file format. Not in the pre-packaged exe or MSI file format. If you want to install Sui using the exe file, download setup.exe and perform the installation. After the installation download Sui.jar from and replace the jar file on your installation directory with the downloaded file. If you have an existing Sui version download the Sui.jar and replace the downloaded file with your existing Sui.jar file
A number of changes to the Querybox viewer
- Font and font size in Querybox viewer inherited from query window
- Text on buttons in query box viewer changed
- Cursor in SQL Text always on top in Querybox viewer
- Added search-next and search previous buttons in the Querybox viewer
- Added the possibility to copy query text from the Querybox viewer to query window
Some changes to the MS-Access Plugin
- Fixed a bug relating to export of decimals in the Access export function (jackcess plugin)
- Compiled the MS-access interface with jackcess v1.2.3 (MS-Access is a plugin)
- MS-Access export now uses the maxrows
Some other changes
- Initial blank in the csv export file removed
- Position in the combo boxes when moving up and down in JDBC-Preference panel added