For more details about downloading the new version see the download page. You can also download the executable parts of Sui from these two links: Sui.jar and SuiExtras.jar


Query Include statement

The Query include statements makes it possible to use a file include in a query. Using a syntax like this allow users to include the content of a file to a query

SELECT * <Include=c:\Sui\queries\from.qry=Include/>
where name like  ‘&NAME%’
union all
select * <Include=c:\Sui\queries\from.qry=Include/>
where name like  ‘&NAME%’


Blob query

From the query context menu a new option is added, Run Blob Query. A Blob query is a normal query, however if the result set contain Blobs, the blobs can be launched (using a native program). A Blob query is limited to a result set of 100 Rows.




From the result set select the Lob-Column, right click and select Launch File then select the file suffix to associate the Blob with a program. For Blobs the Blob-Query uses temporary files, to clean-up these files it’s a good idea to check the “Delete temporary files at start up” in Sui-Preferences.



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